Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2, 2013

Thanks for the package.  I`m super excited.  Recently, it actually has been pretty cold here.  I`ve worn long sleeves the past few days.  We don`t have any electronic equipment except a regular in-destructable cell phone.  And a dictionary.  By the way, I gave in and bought one today.  I am so happy.  Cost $130, so not as cheap as I would have liked, but oh well.  I haven`t had it very long, but it has already been very useful.  Love it.  Small, portable.  Don`t use the internet other than emailing you.
As for teaching, we have actually recently found two more investigators, so we have about four right now.  One of them has a real interest in the Book of Mormon and seemed to drink in everything we said.  The other might be a little harder because she sounds rather busy.  But we will see.  We still have the investigator that we meet every Sunday, and in our last lesson we committed him to fast next Sunday.  So we have to fast too.  Fun fun, ne.
Today we ate at a curry shop.  It was curry on rice and a fried chicken.  So good.  Curry is a big favorite of ours right now, but I have a feeling we will get sick of it soon.  Well see. Still love ramen.  
We have a less-active who loves to make us food, so almost every Monday we go eat with her.  She likes to make Amami local food, so I have eaten some stuff with her that I still don`t know what it is.  I still don`t have to do much cooking, which is fine with me.  More study time.
One thing I have noticed recently is how much better I can speak and hear and understand.  My speaking has gotten good enough that it just comes out.  I just flick a switch.  It is such a blessing.  I had been worrying about not doing well without Mukaitani choro, but as long I as i confident and listen to the Spirit, I know I can do all things.  When I get discouraged, I have a hard time, but when I have that confidence, the Spirit just lets me know what to say.  Amazing.
I got a flat today.  A staple got stuck into my tired somehow.  Spent about half an hour, forty five minutes trying to fix it.  But we finally got to go see our new investigator, so ended well.
Sorry you had a hard time with the moulding.  I still think it`s funny that you accidentally picked a hard one on YouTube.  I honestly can`t really remember what it looked like before, so it`s a little hard for me to tell the difference.  But I am sure it looks good.
Glad you had a good Thanksgiving.  Sounds fun.  When I get home we`ll have to have a great Thanksgiving party together, ne.  Maybe I`ll fly home from BYU for the weekend or something.  

Hope you are well.  Love you.  Your favorite son and bromine,
Elder Lee
Lee Choro

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